
Provide information

Digital, fast, user-oriented and to the point

The acceptance of technical documentation is directly related to the user’s ability to find information. The point is that information is always available when it’s needed. We’re supported not only – but increasingly by – modern tools, because digital change has long since found its way into technical documentation: With intelligent concepts, this means not only the "move" to new media, but a real advantage in services for your employees and customers.

With the electronic publication of information via content delivery or other technologies, the opportunity to obtain valuable user feedback in a structured manner (and other than in the form of complex surveys) is thus opened up for the first time.

Let’s speak together about your options:

  • Our in-house Innovation Management team specifically searches for the latest technologies.
  • 15 Application Developers work to meet your individual requirements.
  • With our mix of competence in design, didactics, technical editing and IT, we’re able to handle your projects, all the way from concept to completed solution.
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Our Services in Detail

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6 Reasons for kothes

Best Practice

Best Practice

In order to be able to offer you optimal solutions in all areas, we work together with several partners, and all of them are specialists and leaders in their respective field. The resulting best-practice systems have been intensively tested and have already proven themselves in practice many times.



We transfer solutions from one industry to another. Benefit from non-traditional solutions from other areas.

Ihr Prototyp schnell erstellt

Your prototype created quickly

Our numerous sample applications can be quickly adapted, in order to meet your requirements. In this way, you can quickly and cost-effectively gather your own experience with new technologies and evaluate their benefits.

Schnell erfolgreich

Rapid success

Our capacities enable you to quickly prepare and structure your content, and thereby quickly achieve your goals.

Vorhande Informationen nutzen

Use Existing Information

You don't have to recreate everything. Leverage our expertise to make your existing information available in an intelligent way.

Digitalisierung mit Augenmaß
Digitalisierung mit Augenmaß

Digitisation with a sense of proportion

Publish both print and digital formats from one source. We have ideas, experience and concepts on how this can be implemented.

Your situation, our solution

Do you currently still deliver your technical documentation in paper form and would like to use digital information processes, not only to save printing costs but also to better inform your users?

Digital user information opens up the opportunity to build new business models with information. For example, money can be saved by optimising service processes, therefore making service calls unnecessary. Together with you, we develop your individual concept with which you can create real added-value through digital user information, and we support you in its implementation. This is how you turn a Technical Editorial department from a cost centre into a profit centre.

As an early adopter, do you want to be close to the cutting-edge and provide your customers with user information in Augmented Reality, or maybe you wish to assess this technology to make your internal processes even more efficient? 

In a customised proof of concept, we can show you how Augmented Reality can revolutionise information for both end-users and service staff. Once use cases that add value have been identified, we integrate the production of Augmented Reality content into your technical editorial process, or we create the content for you as a service.

Do you want to make information in a Content Delivery Portal available in digital form and with a high degree of availability for companies, end-users or service organisations?

Using use cases, we work with you to build your future environment for digital technical documentation. From this, we determine the software requirements, and we support you with the system selection process. We then take care of the integration into your IT landscape, the migration or preparation of content, the supplementation with metadata, and the roll-out of the system for your users.

Do you have the goal of making it easier for your users to access relevant information, using a voice assistant?

Depending on the knowledge needs of your target audience, we can design the user experience for your voice assistant. We build up questions and answers, and we link them to existing sources of information, if necessary. During operation, we take care of the monitoring and improvement of the “built-in intents” and thus, continue to make the voice assistant better and better.

Do you want your service and hotline support staff to be able to help customers even faster with guided troubleshooting?

Guided troubleshooting is particularly efficient when it’s tailored to users' requirements and their day-to-day issues. Therefore, we design guided troubleshooting based on use cases and expert knowledge. We not only speak the same language as users, but we also answer exactly those questions that they can’t answer on their own.

Do you want to not only outsource the technical editing work but also the printing and delivery of technical documentation?

Within the scope of Business Process Outsourcing, we not only take care of the creation and translation of content, but we also take care of the printing of documents where required by law. If required, we can also deliver them directly to your end-customer.

What our customers say about us


"kothes took over this responsibility many years ago, not only for the creation of technical documentation for SIG, but also for the processing of daily business, translations, reprography and even hosting the Content Management System. This gives us more freedom to concentrate on our main task: the further development of carton packaging systems. Over the years we've come to know kothes, not only as a trustworthy and competent partner, but also as a company that's always available to advise us on the appropriate steps to take for the future of our technical documentation. Of course, this only works if you move, yourself! We're looking forward to continued successful cooperation."

Dirk Noske, Head of Legal Compliance & Documentation


"It is very helpful that at kothes, we have a permanent contact person who manages even complex projects (with several participants from different companies) reliably and transparently."

Dr. Stephanie Thoennissen, Head of Business Development & Regulatory Affairs


"The competent consulting, the delivery reliability and the result have won us over. We can always recommend cooperation with kothes."

Sylvia Sander, Connection and Positioning System, Development Mechanics


"In kothes we've found an uncomplicated – and above all – a very professional partner, who's led us to our goal in both a focused and successful manner. The result of the new operating manuals is impressive and brings us to a new level."

Oliver Giaffreda, Team Leader of Marketing Services

KHD Köln

"Without any exaggeration, the service was ten out of ten. The team consistently spared no effort in explaining things and asking follow-up questions. This goes above and beyond normal service, which is truly excellent. kothes could be cheaper – but then again everything has its price."

Klaus Spielvogel, Technical Editor

kothes. Excellent.


Blog Articles on this Subject

Partnership between kothes and Empolis

We are expanding our cooperation network.

New white paper on the digital operating manual

Requirements and perspectives within the framework of the EU Machinery Regulation.

Machinery Regulation FAQs

All important questions and answers at a glance.

Competence Center Technical Information (CCTI) established

Platform for exchange and innovation in the field of technical information.

Do you have questions related to our services? Please feel free to call me!

Christopher Rechtien

Innovation Manager

Phone: +49 421 4089738-12